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A Collection of Early Political Songs

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Air.The Cork Leg.
A curious story 111 relate,
Concerning a gentleman very sedate,
Who, by one of those whimsical freaks of fate,
Awoke one morning and found himself great.
Re too-ral, loo-ral, loo-ral, loo-ral, li,
Too-ral, loo-ral, loo-ral, la.
Old Zachary Taylor, the people did choose, Whose opinions exactly agreed with their views; But brave Rough and Ready, by death they did loose, And the lucky old fellow stepped into his shoes. Re too-ral, loo-lal, &c.
So he moved himself to the great White House, And tucked himself up as snug as a mouse, Till Franklin Pierce his glim did douse, Cutting off his supply of public souse. Re too-ral, loo-ral, &c.
Then he said to himself, 'tis my best plan To travel about as much as I can, And let the dear people my countenance scan, For I'm really a handsome and wonderful man. Re too-ral, loo-ral, &c.
I think that the South is the place to begin, It plays at a game where you lose or I win, And then Slavery is a most horrible sin, The North, simple creature, is bound to cave in. Re too-ral, loo-ral, &c.
And so he adopted this excellent trick, And the toadies unto him did constantly stick, And bowing and scraping, our stunning old brick Said, ' thank you dear people, pray spread it on thick,' Re too-ral, loo-ral, &c.
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